Friday, September 30, 2016

Should Not Have Had The Coffee

I hadn't had a cup of coffee in about 10 years.

I like coffee. About 15 years ago, my buddy Noor turned me onto this iced coffee called "Granita" that Crane Coffee in Omaha used to sell.

(They don't have it anymore. My niece Emily is a barista there and says they have something similar to it...called something else.)

But I swore off caffeine years ago, so I consume it sparingly.

Yesterday (Sept. 29, 2016) was National Coffee Day. My niece Julia wanted Bridget and I to pick up her and her sisters after school to go get coffee at Dunkin Donuts. They offered 66 cent medium coffees all day long -- in honor of the company being around for 66 years.

There is a Dunkin 1.4 miles from my house (I mapped it long ago).

I ordered a steaming hot cup of coffee -- caramel swirl -- with sugar and cream.

It tasted wonderful with the French Cruller and Chocolate Glazed donuts I ordered alongside.

It just seemed right to be eating coffee and donuts together at Dunkin. I felt like a private investigator in a Robert B. Parker novel.

Not only that, about an hour later I was energized and whipped up yesterday's blog post. I thought to myself, "I should drink coffee more often!"

Remember the movie "Gremlins"? Remember how you aren't supposed to expose the Mogwai to sunlight, get it wet, or feed it after midnight?

Well, that coffee gave me the energy of 1,000 suns.

I was up until 2 a.m. watching YouTube videos by Casey Neistat and Shonduras. I slept horribly, and woke up with one eye blurrier than the other -- which made looking at my work computer incredibly irritating this morning.

Should have opted for training wheels and gone for the decaf.

I've heard there are studies showing a link between coffee drinking and a longer life. While that might be true, I "think" I've had my last cup for a least until National Coffee Day 2017...

But it was delicious. 

Read yesterday's blog post: Jon's Life Lesson #1: Lego Logic


  1. Thanks for visiting.

    I used to not drink coffee, but LOVE Dunkin' Donuts Iced Coffee.

  2. Yep, love Dunkin' Donuts, Vernon!!
