Thursday, April 9, 2020

Is Kellogg’s Peeps Cereal Like Easter in a Box?

Joyous Easter celebrations have been thwarted by the global outbreak of COVID-19. 

Most of the eggs being hunted are in picked-over grocery stores across the nation. The Easter Bunny is likely locked in a hutch somewhere. 

Aside from being a tentpole Christian holiday, Easter also serves as an annual marker that spring is upon us. 

What is a person to do in times of distress like this?


A few weeks ago Bridget bought me a box of Kellogg’s Limited Edition Peeps Cereal to review. As many of you know, I like to review novelty cereals on this blog. Heck, I just like cereal in general. 

I also love Peeps (is it a candy?). Bridget didn’t get me any Peeps marshmallows this time out. She thinks they’re disgusting. (She also doesn’t think I need to consume any additional sugar during this quarantine.)

For me, those marshmallow critters — with the crunchy sugar coating — are to Easter what the candy cane is the Christmas. 

When my mom was alive, she was the master of Easter baskets. She would put together beautiful creations that included all sorts of savory treats. For Easter 1989, she had one of those egg-shaped balloons (with the confetti in the bottom) made for me at a card shop at Crossroads Mall (City Limits). In addition to candy, she included a pale green sweater and a “Star Trek” novel in it. 

My mom is no longer with us — and we are all living the quarantined life — so this box of cereal will have to make do!

The box says Peeps Cereal is “Marshmallow Flavored Cereal With Marshmallows.” That’s like a package of bacon saying it’s “Bacon Flavored Bacon With Bacon.” 

In other words, “Delicious Flavored Delicious With Delicious.” 

Plus, the cereal is “artificially flavored” and we all know that anything labeled “artificially flavored” tastes awesome!

So what’s the verdict on Kellogg’s Limited Edition Peeps Cereal??

Kellogg’s Peeps Cereal tastes sort of like the Kellogg’s Unicorn Cereal I reviewed in 2018. It had a mild sweetness that tasted like donuts. The crunchy “Os” in the Peeps version aren't quite as sweet, though. So, not particularly spectacular, but it won’t offend me when I have a bowl in the middle of the night. 

Kellogg’s, thankfully, has finally included marshmallow pieces in one of its novelty cereals. This is a welcome development. 

Unfortunately, the “marshmallow-to-cereal ratio” is pretty lackluster. This is Peeps cereal for crying out loud! This thing should be full of marshmallows. 

If you look at this picture, you'll see how few marshmallows there are. Here’s hoping there are more lurking in the bottom of the box:

As is the case with cereals like this, Kellogg’s Peeps Cereal has a fun game you can play on the box. In this case, each player selects a cereal piece (be sure to wash your hands for the suggested 20 seconds prior to selecting your piece). Then you draw additional cereal pieces to determine how many spaces to move. (If you draw a marshmallow, you eat it and draw again.)

The game board has the Peep characters saying fun things like “I wonder if I lay marshmallow eggs” and “My best friend is an egg. Her name is Shelly.” So I guess that’s fun... 

I’ll bet my nephew Blaise and niece Scotland would like to play this game (their little brother Anson would likely rip the box apart). If we weren’t currently social distancing, that might happen. Sadly, they won't get to experience this game until next Easter. 

I wish I could say Kellogg’s Limited Edition Peeps Cereal was the sugar-filled equivalent of “Easter in a Box” — something to salve your wounds during “Quarantine Easter.”

It is definitely better than some of the other novelty cereals the manufacturer has produced, but it could have been so much better. 

Until the next time I open a box, grab a bowl, and pour the milk, I want to wish everyone a Happy Easter! 

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